Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Immune System-Pathogens-Immunity Booster : Q&A

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People are trying to know more about immunity these days. 

Experts say that if your immunity is good, you can save yourself from coronavirus. In reality, the pandemic has become the real challenge for survival. 

Urban lifestyle has changed drastically in the past 50 years compared to changes in the past 1000 years. All credits go to industrialization and fast-paced lifestyle and the internet. 

We have forgotten the natural way of maintaining our immunity to diseases. 

Junk food, irregular food habit, stress, lack of sleep has turned the health factor upside down. Almost 70 percent of the population has an immunity issue. Many of us still wake up with morning cold and sneeze.

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Junk food

We cannot match our elder's diet system or food habit which they had 50 years back. They use to walk everyday at-least 3-5 km. off-course due to lack of modern facilities and less pollution and access to good organically grown food & lesser stress.

They had very few immunity deficiency problems than the new population. Also, we cannot blame the internet for everything as every change has pros n cons.

COVID-19 has alarmed the situation already as we are now at the threshold. If we don't wake up now then we will be in huge trouble. 

In fact, we are in trouble, as we forgot all ancient hygiene techniques and rules which saved our ancestors for millions of years.

Modern fashion yoga formats may bring a lot of likes, shares & comments at Instagram but it won't bring much-required health. We truly need to master the art of living.

fashion yoga, fancy yoga, Immunity, Immune system, immunity booster, immunity boosting food, pathogens, pathogen, pahtogen, virus, coronavirus, covid-19, sick, head immunity, boost immunity, immunity system, define immunity, definition of immunity, immunity definition, heard immunity, boosting immunity system, pathogenic, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogen detection, resistance, pathogen example, immunodeficiency, virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi, antibody, antigen

We have to learn about good and bad food and we have to come out of a 9 to 5 lifestyle to live a stress-free life.

Here, we will discuss the common questions on the internet nowadays.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, netizens are digging in the internet day and night to improve their knowledge about immunity, immune system, immunity system, immune booster, pathogens (diseases causing organisms), immunity booster medicines etc etc.

In this article we tried to cover below topics to bring the common queries in a single post to answer almost all the questions running in common people's mind:

  1. Immunity
  2. Immune System
  3. Immunodeficiency
  4. Pathogens
  5. Viruses
  6. Bacterias
  7. Parasites
  8. Fungi
  9. Diseases caused by pathogens 
  10. Immunity booster foods

What is Immunity or Define Immunity?

The state of being resistant to infection by a pathogen or toxins. 

immunity definition, host, body immunity, Immunity, Immune system, immunity booster, immunity boosting food, pathogens, pathogen, pahtogen, virus, coronavirus, covid-19, sick, head immunity, boost immunity, immunity system, define immunity, definition of immunity, immunity definition, heard immunity, boosting immunity system, pathogenic, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogen detection, resistance, pathogen example, immunodeficiency, virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi, antibody, antigen

In simple words, the state in which your body has defense system which can fight foreign toxins or pathogens.

What are the types of the immune system?

There are 3 types of immunity system in humans:

  • Innate immunity system- There is some immune system as we were born to protect from infection. This is the first line of defense to protect from pathogens.

  • Adaptive or acquired immunity system- Body develops protection against pathogens as the body grows by remembering past infections and maintaining antibodies library for future uses.

  • Passive immunity system- Borrowed immunity from mother to child during birth. A baby receives antibodies from the mother and through breast milk which protects the baby for a few years. It doesn't last forever.

What is the immune system?

The immune system is basically the defense system of the host. The host has internal processes and proteins which help to protect the host from pathogens, and other threats and recover from the disease.

There are complex structures and proteins which helps in identifying the pathogens and destroys it. The immune system records every past infection from pathogens and protects our body if the same pathogen attacks again.

A system that identifies the host and non-host environment or material and protects the host from foreign material or infection is called the "immune system" of the host.

What is immunodeficiency?

The state of the host when its immune system is not able to fight with diseases. When immune system performance gets compromised against infections is called immunodeficiency.

Anaemia or low platelet count Internal inflammation in organs leading to infection lupus, rheumatoid arthritis pneumonia  bronchitis meningitis skin infection loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, toddler, immunodeficiency in kids, Immunity, Immune system, immunity booster, immunity boosting food, pathogens, pathogen, pahtogen, virus, coronavirus, covid-19, sick, head immunity, boost immunity, immunity system, define immunity, definition of immunity, immunity definition, heard immunity, boosting immunity system, pathogenic, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogen detection, resistance, pathogen example, immunodeficiency, virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi, antibody, antigen

What are the signs of immunodeficiency disorders?

Signs or symptoms of immunodeficiency are:

  • Anaemia or low platelet count
  • Internal inflammation in organs leading to infection
  • lupus, rheumatoid arthritis
  • pneumonia 
  • bronchitis
  • meningitis
  • skin infection
  • loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea

 and many more. These are primary symptoms of immunodeficiency.

Most of the diseases or infections are caused by pathogens where these pathogens invade the immune system.

What are pathogens?

In biological terms, Any infectious agent or germs which can cause disease is called Pathogen. The word originated from Greek letters: πάθος pathos  "suffering" γενής -genēs "producer of"

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Our body is full of microbes but most of them cannot harm our body as our body has developed immunity against those microbes since inception. 

But many are still around and by chance if they get inside our body and if the immune system is weak then they can infect the body.

Pathogens have the ability to infect your body if they manage to dominate your immune system.

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Pathogens are microorganism that has the ability to use your body resources and grow vigorously. It means they need hosts for their survival. 

If somehow they manage to dominate your body's immune system, they will grow within your body using all the resource which your body requires for its metabolic activities.

Sooner, you will feel weak and you will fall sick.

Pathogens are everywhere and can infect you via food, contact, faeces, touch, breath, air, and many ways.

What are the types of Pathogens?

There is a huge list of pathogens with whom the body interacts day today. We are taking the most common type of pathogens which make us sick. 

These are viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi.

What is Pathogenicity in biology?

The ability of the pathogen to cause disease in the host is called pathogenicity. Pathogenicity is the measurement of how easily a pathogen can conquer the host's immune system. How contagious the pathogen is?

What are the Big 6 pathogens?

The FDA has listed 6 Big pathogens that are most contagious and causes severe symptoms. These are Hepatitis A, E.Coli, Norovirus, Nontyphoidal Salmonella, Shigella, Salmonella Typhi.

The list is long but these 6 Big pathogens are most dangerous and top the list. Though FDA has a list of around 40 types of pathogens which are under continuous study.

What is a Virus?

Typically between 20 to 300 nanometers in length, viruses are smallest of all the microbes. It has its genetic material like RNA Or DNA in the core which is surrounded by a coat or capsid made of protein. Sometimes this capsid has an additional spikes layer called the envelope.

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Coronavirus Diagram

What is a host cell?

cell that shelters foreign molecules, viruses, or microorganisms and allowing them to use their resources to grow or multiply is called host cell.

bacterial infection, host cell infection, host infection, Immunity, Immune system, immunity booster, immunity boosting food, pathogens, pathogen, pahtogen, virus, coronavirus, covid-19, sick, head immunity, boost immunity, immunity system, define immunity, definition of immunity, immunity definition, heard immunity, boosting immunity system, pathogenic, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogen detection, resistance, pathogen example, immunodeficiency, virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi, antibody, antigen

Why do Viruses need a host cell?

To grow or reproduce, the virus inserts its genetic material into its host and it almost takes over the host's functions and that host cell produces more viral protein, genetic material instead of the usual product which the normal cell has to produce. 

Virus infects & invades the host cell and replicates rapidly to release the new viruses by damaging the host cell.

If a person falls sick again and again after an interval of time then it may happen that the virus might be going in a dormant stage for some time and reappearing again.

How to treat viral infection?

There is a common myth that antibiotics kill viruses but it is wrong.

Antibiotics never kill viruses. There are medicines for viral infections and we must consult a doctor for a genuine prescription for viral diseases.

Without the blood test, you will never know which virus has infected you. Generally, vaccines are required for viral infection treatment.

What is Bacteria?

bacteria-salmonella-pathogens-disease, Immunity, Immune system, immunity booster, immunity boosting food, pathogens, pathogen, pahtogen, virus, coronavirus, covid-19, sick, head immunity, boost immunity, immunity system, define immunity, definition of immunity, immunity definition, heard immunity, boosting immunity system, pathogenic, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogen detection, resistance, pathogen example, immunodeficiency, virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi, antibody, antigen

Microorganism made of a single cell with a very simple cell structure having no nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. The genetic information of bacteria is in a single loop of DNA and few bacteria have an extra circle of genetic material called a plasmid.

This plasmid layer in few bacterias gives an advantage over others in resisting certain antibiotics.

There are a variety of bacteria in different shapes and features and can survive in any condition or environment. It can live on your body and inside your body. 

Generally, there are five types of classified bacteria according to shapes - spherical (cocci), rod (bacilli), spiral (spirilla), comma (vibrios), or corkscrew (spirochetes). Bacterial colonizes faster and exist in pairs, chains, clusters, colony.

Good thing is that not all bacteria are pathogenic. Most of the bacteria are harmless. Around 1 % of bacteria cause disease.

What causes bacterial infection?

When your body interacts with bacteria present in the environment and your immune system is unable to stop it. In most cases, the immune system helps and the body doesn't get infected.

But the body is more prone to get a bacterial infection when the immune system is compromised by a virus. That means if your body gets infected by virus then there is more chance of getting infected by bacteria. 

So, harmless bacteria can also become pathogenic if your body is already infected by a virus.

How to treat a bacterial infection?

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infection. Few are resistant to the antibiotics but over a course of time, it gets treated. Sometime over  use of antibiotics nullify the effect of antibiotics over bacteria.

If someone used a higher dose of antibiotics due to some medical or accidental conditions than a lower dose of antibiotics won't help to cure any infection. The body will demand a higher dose to cure any infection.

What is Fungi?

yeast, mould, mushrooms, fungi Immunity, Immune system, immunity booster, immunity boosting food, pathogens, pathogen, pahtogen, virus, coronavirus, covid-19, sick, head immunity, boost immunity, immunity system, define immunity, definition of immunity, immunity definition, heard immunity, boosting immunity system, pathogenic, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogen detection, resistance, pathogen example, immunodeficiency, virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi, antibody, antigen

Fungi are eukaryotic organism which can be found as a single celled or very complex multicellular organism. Fungi reproduce by spores which is similar to seeds in plants.

These spores grow a slender tube called hyphae which is able to feed on dead organic matter or living organisms. 

There is 300 kind of known fungi which are pathogenic means can cause sickness. Fungi cause infection when they get favourable conditions to grow.

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fungal infection

Yeasts, molds, mushrooms are very known fungi.

The 2 most dangerous fungi are:

Candida Albicans is the most common cause of thrush and Cryptococcus neoformans can cause a severe form of meningitis.

What is the eukaryotic organism?

An organism whose cell components including nucleus is covered by a membrane and cell wall. This membrane and cell wall make the cell harder to get killed or get affected easily by any foreign material.

What is Parasite?

Unlike viruses, parasites are living organisms living in or on a host and taking its nourishment from the host. The parasite causes infections due to parasites - protozoa, helminths, or arthropods. 

For example - Plasmodium is a unicellular parasite that causes malaria get transferred by an infected mosquito to a human while blood-feeding.

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mosquito-a parasite

What are the 3 types of parasites?

The 3 main types of parasites are:

  • Protozoa - an example is a plasmodium.
  • Helminths - an example is a worm
  • Ectoparasites - an example is ticks & mosquitoes


What are diseases caused by pathogens?

Diseases caused by pathogens are :

Disease caused by viruses

There are many viral diseases caused by viruses in which many are very dangerous. example -

  • measles
  • flu
  • yellow fever
  • hepatitis A,B,C,D
  • herpes
  • meningitis
  • common cold
  • warts
  • chickenpox
  • viral gastroenteritis
  • dengue fever
  • HIV and AIDS
  • Coronavirus infection

Disease caused by Bacteria

There are many bacterial diseases caused by bacteria. Some example are-

  • bacterial meningitis
  • Lyme disease 
  • bacterial gastroenteritis
  • tuberculosis
  • urinary tract infection 
  • strep throat
  • gonorrhea
  • cellulitis

Disease caused by Fungi 

There are many types of fungal infections caused by Fungi. Some example are-

  • jock itch
  • thrush
  • vaginal yeast infections
  • ringworm
  • athlete's foot
  • fungal nail infection

Disease caused by Parasites

There are many diseases caused by parasites Some example are-

  • malaria
  • giardiasis
  • trichomoniasis
  • intestinal worms
  • toxoplasmosis
  • pubic lice

How to protect from pathogenic infections?

There are many ways you can protect yourself from pathogenic infection. 

10 ways to protect against pathogen infections are:

  1.  Right Vaccinations - If vaccination is done at the right time. You will be safe from most of the pathogens.
  2. Clean House - Cleaning house every day will remove the germs from frequently used surfaces.
  3. Wash hands - Washing hands often can reduce viral infection drastically. 
  4. Clean food - Prepare food after cleaning it thoroughly and try to eat freshly cooked food. 
  5. Safe Sex - Practice safe sex as many severe pathogenic infections can happen.
  6. Clean surroundings - Clean area around your house and remove any kind of stagnant water, etc
  7. Don't share personal belongings - Do not share towels, toothbrushes, razors, etc with anybody as it may cause infection.
  8. Exercise Regularly - Doing exercise releases many hormones & proteins which helps in fighting any infection.
  9.  Sleep Enough - A good sleep will make your mind fresh and active which is necessary to stay mentally healthy. Also, it helps in reducing stress.
  10. Avoid exposure to infected people - Always avoid exposure to people who are having a cold or flu or fever. You may get infected due to the virus in the air. Wear a mask when going out.

By the above methods, you can save yourself from pathogenic infections. In modern days there are a lot of vaccines that came up and secured human life by reducing the mortality rate by infection.

What is the vaccine? Definition?

A preparation that is prepared by using antigens to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against pathogenic infections without actually infecting the host.

Vaccination, immunization, immunisation, Immunity, Immune system, immunity booster, immunity boosting food, pathogens, pathogen, pahtogen, virus, coronavirus, covid-19, sick, head immunity, boost immunity, immunity system, define immunity, definition of immunity, immunity definition, heard immunity, boosting immunity system, pathogenic, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogen detection, resistance, pathogen example, immunodeficiency, virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi, antibody, antigen


What are antigens?

Antigens are usually proteins, peptides (amino acid chains) and polysaccharides (chains of monosaccharides/simple sugars) found on the surface of a virus, bacteria, fungi, parasite and other foreign toxins. 

Antigens are used in vaccines to trigger the immune system of the host to produce antibodies which fight with the pathogens and recover the host from infection by the pathogen.

Generally, antigens are weaker and it doesn't cause actual infection and illness. The antigen of a particular pathogen helps the body to produce antibodies and keep its copy so that in future if the body gets exposure to the same pathogen which carries that antigen, then the body can easily fight back by producing the same antibodies.

The best thing about the body is that it keeps a copy of antibodies used in fighting a pathogen in past.

What are the antibodies? Definition?

Antibodies are immunoglobulins, are Y-shaped glycoproteins produced by B-cells of the immune system in response to exposure to antigens.

The Y-shaped glycoprotein called antibodies latches the antigen to remove from the host body. 

What is Immunization?

The process of making someone immune to a pathogenic disease by giving vaccines is called "Immunization". That means after giving vaccines, the host will develop immunity against diseases.

Difference between Immunization and vaccination?

Vaccination is the act of giving vaccines to the host to trigger the immune system to produce antibodies for the specific antigen. 

Immunization is the process of making someone immune or resistant to an infection by a pathogen by giving them vaccines. 

And when the host is ready with bricks & mortars called antibodies then its called that host is immunized or has attained immunity against the specific diseases or pathogen.

what are immunity boosting foods?

Top 20 immunity boosting foods are:

  1. Spinach
  2. Fish
  3. Turmeric
  4. Blueberries
  5. Ginger 
  6. garlic
  7. green tea
  8. Broccoli
  9. Kiwi fruit
  10. almonds
  11. Dark Chocolate
  12. Button mushrooms
  13. Oysters
  14. Acai berry
  15. watermelons
  16. Wheat germ
  17. Yogurt
  18. Sweet potato
  19. Pomegranate juice
  20. Miso - a Japanese seasoning

And there are many other immunity boosting food which we should include in our food habit. Food that is eaten to improve immunity and is called immune booster food. 

Spinach Fish Turmeric Blueberries Ginger  garlic green tea Broccoli Kiwi fruit almonds Dark Chocolate Button mushrooms Oysters Acai berry watermelons Wheat germ Yogurt Sweet potato Pomegranate juice Miso - a Japanese seasoning, immune boosting foods, Immunity, Immune system, immunity booster, immunity boosting food, pathogens, pathogen, pahtogen, virus, coronavirus, covid-19, sick, head immunity, boost immunity, immunity system, define immunity, definition of immunity, immunity definition, heard immunity, boosting immunity system, pathogenic, pathogenesis, pathogenetic, pathogen detection, resistance, pathogen example, immunodeficiency, virus, bacteria, parasite, fungi, antibody, antigen

The big takeaway from the above discussions is that the strong immune system can only protect your body from illness.

After the outburst of life-threatening respiratory infection caused by a coronavirus, people have become more conscious about health and food they are eating. 

COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we were thinking and the lifestyle we were practicing. Everyone is keen to know about how to improve or boost the immune system for a healthy life? 

What to eat so that body gains immunity against these diseases or illnesses. 

Though still, scientists are looking for the vaccine. Few are in the clinical trial phase and few organisations have claimed vaccines against coronavirus. Like Dexamethasone by The British researchers.

Check out the article on Dexamethasone


The world is still hopeful after losing so much and that's how humanity lived so far. 


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