Chia seeds are the new superfood.
Chia seeds are much famous among nutrition-conscious people these days because of its qualities. These mighty seeds are little in size and are the depots of many nutrients that are important for the body. Be its antioxidants, minerals, zinc, calcium, protein, and fibers. Ask for anything chia seeds has everything for your healthy diet.
Believe it or not! Chia seeds are a powerful nutritional punch if included in the diet.
Want to know more about Chia seeds benefits to the body?
Let's explore the health benefits of chia seeds.
1) They are a rich source of fiber
Chia seeds are an abundant source of fibers. These fibers are good for gut health. The gel-like outer layer traps water, which helps in the digestion of food, releasing the toxins and clearing the guts. The fibers in chia seeds are mainly water-soluble, and that helps in lowering fats and LDL cholesterol. It gives the feeling of fullness, and that helps in preventing the blood sugar spikes after the meal. Hence it also helps in reducing the chances of diabetes.
As said, chia seeds help in clearing the toxins from the guts, which in turn makes your body less prone to diseases. So, the healthy Guts have an added advantage, as, on one side, you will be getting flawless skin, and on the other side, you will be immune to the disease. So chia seeds enhance your beauty plus your health together.
2) Chia seeds are enriched in antioxidants
Antioxidants keep free radicals in check and protect the body from the harmful damages caused by free radicals and hence reduces the risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart attack. They play an important role in increasing the immunity of the body.
Antioxidants slow downs the aging process and are good for younger and healthy-looking skin and hair. So if you are taking chia seeds regularly then you are keeping your youthfulness forever.
3) Chia seeds are a rare source of omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids are good for collagen production in the body. Collagens helps in improving the elasticity of skins and keeping the youthfulness intact. They are also important for keeping the bones healthy. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish, meat, nuts, etc.
Generally, it's easier for the non-vegetarian people to get omega-3 fatty acids, and it is tough for the vegans to get omega-3 fatty acids from the diet because plant-based foods are rarely a source of omega-3 fatty acids. Thanks to chia seeds that they are a storehouse of omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids have a wide range of benefits
They are good for cardiovascular health like- maintaining blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, prevention of the blood-clot, and reducing the chances of a heart attack.
4) Chia seeds contain calcium
You are not going to believe that chia seeds have more amount of calcium as compared to dairy products. Calcium is important for making stronger bones. Including chia seeds regularly in your diet may solve the problem of osteoporosis and bone weaknesses.
5) Chia seeds have proteins
Chia seeds have all the important nine essential amino acids which cannot be produced by the body. Hence chia seeds are a complete protein for the people who don't eat meat.
6) Chia seed helps in weight loss
Chia seeds contain an impressive amount of zinc, which helps in the formation of leptin in our body. Leptin is the appetite-regulating hormone which helps in curbing the food cravings and manage the appetite of the body. Chia seeds rich fiber source helps in increasing metabolism.

And increased metabolism helps in reducing belly fat. That's the jackpot for those who are aiming for weight loss. One of the best ways to lose weight.
7) Effective in solving the problem of diverticulosis
Diverticulosis is the disease associated with the colon. Because of diverticulosis, the intestine gets infected, and the walls of the intestine get swollen like a balloon. Diverticulosis can be treated by adding a fiber-enriched diet in the food. The fiber-enriched diet makes the process of digestion easier. When you add chia seeds in your diet, it absorbs the water from the colon and helps in detoxifying, which helps in relaxing the diverticulosis.
Note - Chia seeds are gluten-free. Those who are allergic to gluten can include chia seeds in their diet.
How to use chia seeds?
Chia seeds have hydrophilic properties means it can absorb and retain water.
The best way to use chia seeds is to soak them in water overnight. The chia seeds have mucilage, which is a glycoprotein, mainly responsible for the water retention and the gluey texture of chia seeds when soaked in water. The soaked chia seeds keep your body hydrated because of the water retention capacity.
Chia seeds are tasteless and can be added to any eatable. It can be used in powder form as well but never use them without water because chia seeds have the water-absorbent property, and they will absorb the water present in your body and will make you dehydrated. So if you are going to do it, do it the right way.
When to drink chia seeds water?
The best time to drink chia seeds water is in the morning. You will feel fresh, rejuvenated, and energetic due to the presence of power-packed antioxidants in it. When you drink chia seeds water in the morning, the mucilage present in the chia seeds water will bind your food and release the toxins from the body. It will help in the complete digestion of food.
How to buy chia seeds?
Local stores and supermarkets - Chia seeds are native of Mexico, and because of their high nutritional value and super amazing qualities, chia seeds can be found around the world. You can find them in your local stores and supermarkets.
Chia seeds are available online too!
if you don't want to visit local grocery shops, then you can order chia seeds online.
Chia seeds in Hindi-
Hindi is a native language of India. Many people ask the name of chia seeds in Hindi. Chia seeds are not the native of India, so there is not any name of chia seeds in Hindi.
Recipes with chia seeds-

Here comes the most interesting part of this article.
The best way to use chia seeds is to soak them overnight. Generally, I prefer to make recipes of chia seeds mixed in liquid or watery content. Chia seeds are tasteless, so we can give them any taste we want according to our tastebuds.
The following are my topmost favorite chia seeds recipes, which you can also try-
1) Chia seeds with yogurt - Chia seeds with yogurt are very tasteful and super healthy. They are super easy to make and are a healthy and super tasty breakfast to eat. Chose your favorite yogurt and soak chia seeds overnight in it, and put in a refrigerator. While you are asleep, the chia seeds in yogurt will do its magic. Imagine having the ready breakfast in the morning waiting for you is just bliss in these busy lifestyles.
Its an easy grab and go breakfast.
The healthy blend of chia seeds with yogurt will give you not only the benefits of chia seeds but also of yogurt, i.e., calcium and protein.
2) Chia seeds pudding - Chia seeds pudding is another super tasty recipe for a healthy diet. Soak chia seeds overnight in milk. I prefer to soak them in coconut milk or almond milk overnight. You can use any dairy milk available around. Add nuts, fruits as per your choice. Keep it in the fridge, and you are good to go in the morning for the super delicious, nutritious breakfast in the morning.
3) Chia salad - Soak chia seeds overnight in the water. Grab your favorite seasonal veggies and fruits available. Sprinkle them over your salad bowl and enjoy salads with a fountain of antioxidants. Fruits, veggies, and chia seeds - all contain antioxidants.
4) Chia seed fruit burst - Take some rolled oats, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 tbsp sweetener, vanilla extract, non-fat yogurt & milk. Mix them well in a jar & refrigerate them overnight.
Add banana chips and chopped almonds as a topping over them the next morning and start your morning with a healthy, delicious, and nutritious breakfast.
5) Chia seeds oatmeal smoothie -
Take a few almonds, oatmeal, chia seeds, honey, yogurt, and blend them well in a blender. Drink this smoothie the next morning for a power-packed breakfast.
So what are you waiting for? Just go to your nearest store or amazon website and grab a packet of chia seeds for yourself. Hurry up! Never wait for tomorrow and add these tiny amazing superfoods in your diets from today itself and start living healthy.
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