Monday, July 15, 2024

Is AI threat or blessing?

AI, Auto-Intelligence, Technology, Robot, kalarota

Understanding the potential of AI has been remarkable. However, as AI advances, it increasingly threatens many jobs. AI is the most powerful tool humans have developed, and it keeps evolving. Yet, it seems we haven't learned to use it effectively.

Ironically, humans are developing AI to replace themselves. How absurd is that?

Every day, I see posts from the LinkedIn community about layoffs due to AI. People share emotional messages on LinkedIn and other platforms, stating that they have been fired because their roles are no longer required. The kind of stress they are going through for survival is overwhelming. They went to college for specific tasks in specific fields, and now those tasks are no longer needed.

KALAROTA, Is AI threat or blessing?, UNEMPLOYMENT

AI needs regulations. It is a great tool for capitalists and businessmen to reduce their overheads, but the world is not ready for this.

The education system has not prepared every generation to handle this. Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha can handle this. They are tech-savvy and can adjust to the rapidly changing job environment, but not everyone can.

The United Nations should step in and formulate a system to regulate the use of AI. AI shouldn't become a threat to the global population.

How terrifying is it that students are using ChatGPT to do their homework and theses? Everyone in the class will write the exams without mistakes, and everyone will get the same marks. Everyone will be a topper without using their brain.

There won't be any competition, as everyone will write different versions of the same answer perfectly.

Instead, we should be developing AI to handle tasks that are humanly impossible or undesirable, such as washing clothes, cooking food, cleaning toilets, providing personal security systems, helping in eldercare and childcare, and many more.

Of course, not for bargaining with street vendors. That should be left to us. :-)

We are creating a world where machines replace humans in skilled jobs. Eventually, this could force humans into undesirable jobs, potentially turning us into slaves to machines.

Globally, governments should consider what kind of jobs they will offer to their mass populations. How will they manage millions and billions of people without jobs? AI-based calling systems and bots have killed call center jobs. AI-based automation in factories has started replacing the mass workforce. People in the logistics field are getting replaced by AI robots.


Governments shouldn't let AI be the newly found toys for capitalists and businessmen. They will always want to make more money, but that won’t solve the problems of the mass population.

Millions are getting unemployed due to AI in third-world countries.

While AI can create impressive paintings, write software, or produce flawless blogs, do we really need it for activities humans enjoy as hobbies or depend on for their livelihoods?

AI is a great power and should be used wisely. We live and interact with emotions; we can't live like machines.

The world cannot be beautiful without emotions and drama. We need AI for tasks that require precision, such as surgeries, intelligent software for crisis management, and internet security. Midjourney, SORA, and many more AI-based tools are killing creative fields.

Graphics, clothes, jewelry, and accessories are getting designed by AI.

Where is the human touch? Where is the human creativity to be appreciated? Shall we become pieces of stone and let the machines party all night?

AI should evolve to understand the universe and solve complex problems like managing pollution and global warming. It should solve neurological health issues, brain function and behavior, decoding cancer, Alzheimer's, aging, vitiligo, etc.

KALAROTA, Is AI threat or blessing?, HEALTH ISSUES.jpeg

A driver should still drive a car, enhanced with AI features to save lives during accidents. Why replace a driver with AI?

We must understand this: we cannot enjoy sipping a cup of tea with AI on a long drive, talking about future plans or college crushes.

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